
Is it normal for my 1 year old to not want to eat food anymore?

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i was wondering cuz my baby shes 15 months old. and she has always been a little eating machine. lol she loves food. but lately she hasn't been wanting to eat breakfast lunch and dinner she'll take a couple spoons and then she shakes her head no and wants to get out of her high chair. shes had 2 teeth come in. so i dont know if that can affect her. but has anyone's baby did this also. and will she ever want to go back to eating? I'm lost I'm thinking maybe shes a picky eater now? maybe shes teething? maybe she doesn't want to eat her food in her high chair. also she does eat snacks in the day like crackers and other foods but its not in her high chair.




  1. Yes this is normal!

    Teething is a painful process and it sometimes hurt for the baby to eat. Just give her time.

    The snacks throughout the day can be another reason she isn't eating her food. Think about it if you eat a small sandwich B4 dinner do you be as hungry than when you just ate lunch 5 hours ago???

    She'll return back to "normal" this is the age when children begin to change and decide what and that not they like to eat. if not take her to her doctor and they may give her vitamins to take place of the nutrients that she isnt getting.

  2. not really

  3. highchairs ain't no issues (try that at McDonalds)

    consider the teeth tho

    tried soft predigested complete meal substitutes?

  4. Like infants, toddlers go through growth spurts where they want to eat a lot, and they have spells in between where they exist entirely on air and crackers.  

    Continue to offer a variety of healthy foods, but don't force it.  If she's hungry, she'll eat.  (But don't let her snack all day on junk either. ). Or she may prefer a more grown-up chair.  Can she sit in a booster at the big table?

    I do note that you refer to 'a couple of spoons'.  Are  you still feeding her?  Or is she self feeding?  If you're feeding her, it's definitely time to move on to self-feeding table foods.  If she's managing the spoon herself -- trust her.  

  5. yes it is normal all toddllers go the not wanting to eat,(and it might b a long time) to doesnt want to stop. but if shes not eatting right tell ur doctor and they will give her vits.

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