
Is it normal for my 11 and 19 year old nephews to still be sleeping together?

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I think they're too old but the 11 year old gets nervous at the idea of having to sleep alone.

If you agree it's odd how do I go about approaching the subject with my sister (their mom).

thank you!




  1. Are they both boys?

    It is a odd, but not awful.  Just tell your sister that you think maybe they should try sleeping by themselves.

  2. No, by 11 a child should be able to sleep by themselves.  Doesn't the 19 year old want his privacy?  Ask their mom what she plans on doing once the 19 year old moves out and the 11 year old is on his own?  Does she want him to start sleeping in her bed, or does she think its time for him to become independent?

  3. h**l no, he could be molesting her.He is a fool grown man

  4. Uhh yeah that's a little strange.

    My sister Kylie is 11 and is afraid to sleep alone. I don't baby her and I don't let her sleep with me. She's old enough to sleep on her own. She asks if she can sleep in my room and I say that you can but you have to sleep on the floor. But she always wants to sleep in the same bed... I find it weird. She sleeps with my parents still though.

    Ask your sister why her 11 year old can't sleep in his own room and that he's getting too old.

  5. yeah, thas pretty odd......i guess just tell her i mean, they should have stoped when the 11year old was like 4 so thats, pretty odd...

  6. nooooooo thats not normal if it was like 3 and 5 that would be ok

  7. no  it  is not  normal for my 11 and 19 year old they sleeping together cause the could be having s*x

  8. Yeah that is not normal. They should be in their own bed. It's okay if they share a room but not a bed!

  9. Yes its odd, tell their mom to make them sleep in their own beds.

  10. I would say it is a little abnormal.  I wouldn't go as far as saying the 11yo is being molested like others are saying, especially by his own brother.  I think if the boy was being molested, he wouldn't want to sleep with his brother.

    Obviously the boy has some issues with sleeping alone and you need to find out why.  It could be something scary he watched or just doesn't like being alone.

    I would talk to your sister and find out why he is doing this.  I know you are concerned but it is your sister's responsibility to stop this.

  11. In the same bed? Or same room? Same room is normal , but the same bed is kinda creepy

  12. No its not normal at all i think they should have their own beds each especially as old as they are. It also influences homosexuality.

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