
Is it normal for my 7 week old to be so active and squirmy?

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My baby girl is now 7 weeks and is really active and squirmy all the time. She's not fussy though. When I hold her she holds her head up (wont lay it down), when she's in her basinet or crib she's just constantly kickin and moving around. Ive seen babies at this age that just lay back and relax. And I thought thats how it was too, babies just stay in your arms looking around but not my baby. She has a cousin that is 2 years old and is extremely hyper and this worries me. Her dad also walked at 8 months, so can it be that my baby is just advanced?? im lost..... Is this normal or is she going to be a hyper kid??




  1. My 5 month is the same way. Always have been, inside me and as soon as she came out. She did not want to be swaddled because it held her arms and legs from kicking. its fine, she will probably just be very active. My daughter does these half sit ups always trying to sit up, cant get all the way up but has been trying since 2 months its amazing what kids can do when they try. My daughter never really laid in arms or like to be held like a baby she likes to sit up and see around. Be proud she will prob learn very quick. :)

  2. my little boy is the same way.. since birth now hes 3 months. hes so active

  3. This is absolutely normal. It is good that she is working those neck muscles. When you can some tummy time would be good too. She sounds perfectly happy and healthy!!! Congrats!!

  4. sounds like she's going to be an active child . nothing wrong woth that . my son was the same way ... squirmy . to me it seemed like he was building his muscles up and learning all the moement he could do .  more or less learning . every child is different , but i would bet that your daughter will be a fast learner .  

  5. hiya,i have a 7 week old to,and shes exactly the same! also shes my 4th and the others were the same to, except maybe with my twins who are now 3 i remember being totally different,one would be as you described yours and the other as you described others you've seen at this stage,but as for walking first etc they were the other way round! so i don't think can really take anything from this at only 7 weeks,

    congratulations with the little one :-)

  6. Some babies are more active than others. This is normal behavior. Don't count your chicken before they active 7 week old does not equal a hyper toddler.

  7. I have a 4 month old daughter, and since she was born she was the exact same way. Sometimes I have to put her down because she squirms and kicks so much. When I check on her she has completely turned around in her crib! She has been in her jolly jumper since 5 weeks old, she absolutly loves it, and she goes straight down for a nap after. Even a bath helps to settle down that extra energy I find, she eats right after and is out for the night. Many of my friends with toddlers now had this problem, its nothing to worry about. But we will see wont we ;) every child is different

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