
Is it normal for my cat's urine to smell ?

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like ammonia,i mean bad,it really smells.She's almost 4yrs old she's a pure breed Rag Doll weighing in at just under 25lbs.But i know cats urine smell like ammonia but lately it's bad.She's spade also if that means anything.




  1. Yes. It is totally normal. My cats litter box smells like amonia. Ew it disgusts me but that is cats.. gross...

  2. Cats urine usually doesn't smell like ammonia....unless  it is left to sit in the litter box too long then it turns into an ammonia smell.

    Change your box more often.

  3. I have had experiance with longhaired breeds and it does seem they are worse in this regard.  Additionally she is a big girl, she will urinate more then smaller felines.  Cats urine smells so much like ammonia due to the fact that they conserve water at a great rate due to an adaptation.  If you notice a poorly maintainted human bathroom will smell of ammonia, due to the volume.  She may just be a smelly girl, or she may have a  URI  as earlier answers replied, though in my experiance cats tend to avoid the litter with an URI.  They do this becuase they associate the pain with using the litter box.   Perhaps providing as much water as posiible and giving her food for the situation will help, there is food availible for cats with URI problems.  I think it was suggested to my sister to buy dye free dry foods.  Hope it helps!  

  4. I disagree that it's normal.  It may be usual or common, but that doesn't mean it's normal.

    It can be usual for cats who eat diets of only dry food.  That's because they're dehydrated.  Cats are designed by nature to get water in their food so they tend not to drink as much as they should (like many of us hoomins!)

    So of course their urine is more concentrated.

    The urine of cats eating species appropriate food doesn't smell nearly as bad.  I noticed a change within days of converting my kids to an all canned diet.

    Ok, lecture over.  The fact that it's gotten worse means something is going on.  I can only suggest you take her to the vet (you can call first if you prefer).  They should be able to tell if she's got a UTI or if something else is going on.

  5. just under 25 lbs... wow thats a big girl. like you said its gonna smell like ammonia, but sometimes that means an infection. she could have a uti. i would call your vet before it gets to bad. is she going  to the box a lot, is there a small amount when she does go, is she making it in time to the box. if you answered yes to any call your vet asap. otherwise just call and ask them. it never hurt to ask.. good luck.

  6. Yes it is normal.  if it is smelling worse than normal though, I would take her to the vet to make sure she doesnt have a urinary tract infection.  UTI's in cats can cause behavioral problems and foul odor in urine.

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