
Is it normal for my cat to be bleeding vaginally?

by  |  earlier

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My female cat is not fixed yet as she is an indoor cat. She is scheduled to go in once we move (this weekend). She does not appear to be in heat. However, she is bleeding vaginally. She goes into heat quite often but I've never seen her bleed. Anywhere she sits or lays has blood on it. Our chairs, our sofa, our carpet, our bed, etc. Some websites say that cats bleed very little, others say not at all. Is it normal for my cat to be bleeding right now? If not, what could this be a sign of? She is acting perfectly fine.




  1. believe it or not but animals get UTI's as well.... go to the vet and the give her meds that clear it up very fast

  2. It depends how much blood there is.  It is always a bad sign if she has gone in heat before and there has been no blood.  Just so you know, because she has been in heat a number of times before, she will be at a higher risk for complications later in life, and she could possibly still keep the same symptoms of being in heat even after she has been fixed.  Take her to the vet.

  3. i'm not sure but, don't worry cause the doctor will know.

  4. Anytime there are signs of blood and your worried the best thing to do is to contact your vet.  Given that she is an intact female there is in all likely hood the chance that she is in heat.

    But none of us can diagnose your pet over the Internet and bleeding can be signs of other things.

    Please do contact your vet for THE BEST information.

  5. Ok. I'm not for certain that your cat is going thourgh the same thing, but about 5 years ago my cat, Blackberry,  started bleeding vaginally. I told my dad and he took her to the vets. They looked her over and found out that she had a miscarriage and would have died if we didnt take her in. The vet removed the babies and spayed her. You description sounds very much like Blackberry was. I would suggest taking her to the vet. I hope she gets better. =]

  6. Even if she's in heat that isn't right.  As you've noticed, cats bleed very little and often not at all when they're in heat.  

    Something is wrong and no one here can do anything more than guess at what it could be.  She needs to see the vet as soon as possible.  Whatever is wrong with her requires professional attention.  Good luck, I hope she gets well soon.

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