
Is it normal for my female mouse to be all shouty and violent towards a male mouse we put in?

by  |  earlier

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she just gets really mad when he trys to hump her and she fights off her sister and i dont know is she just getting used to him we just put him in today




  1. Yes, that behavior is normal, but it's happening because if you want to breed mice you need to put the female(s) in the male's cage.  Otherwise, the female is typically very territorial and doesn't let the male do anything, and the male gets beaten up, which is what is happening now.  

    Both (or perhaps "all" if  there are more than 2) females in the cage with the male may get pregnant, although it's hard to say if the male will be successful in this scenario.

    Recommendation: Take the male out right now.  Put him back in is own cage and let him recover for a couple of days. Then put the female you want him to breed with in his cage with him.  She should be between 3 months old and 9 months old, and if she's had another litter she should have a month off after they're weaned before breeding again.

    After a week or a bit more you can take the female out of the male's cage and put her back with her friend(s).  Then leave that group intact--don't add anyone new or take anyone out, from then until the babies are at least 2 weeks old so you don't stress out the mom.

    Keep track of when the babies are born, because you'll have the easiest time sexing them when they're about 2 weeks old, and you have to separate the males when they're about 30 days old, plus or minus two.  If you wait longer, the baby boys will breed with all the adult females and you risk a population explosion.  Once they hit 6 weeks, the baby girls may start breeding, too.

  2. sounds like a typical married couple

  3. It would be a help if we had more info, Like did you just put it in, has the female had a friend

  4. Ahhhh! Are you trying to have a gazillon mouse babies?!!?

  5. you didnt introduce them right!

  6. So wait a minute... you have at least two female mice, and you are putting the male in with both of them?!?

    Your female mouse obviously doesn't want to have anything to do with him, and you should listen to her: breeding mice is not something to be taken lightly.. what will you do if both your females end up pregnant at the same time and both have 8-12 babies? are you ready to take care and/or rehome 16-24 little mice?

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