
Is it normal for my iris to randomly change size/fluctuate?

by  |  earlier

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When Iook in the mirror at my left and right iris it appear to change size at random and flictuate, and sometimes in bright light I can see the changes in brightness.

Is this normal or something to be concerned about? I also have blurring and double vision in both left and right eyes, mostly the right eye.

For example, when looking at an LED digital clock at night from 6+ feet away, if I close my left eye I see (in the right eye) many ghosts of the time, mostly to the right of the source and the brightest ghost appearing at 5'o clock. When closing the right eye and looking through the left eye I see the same thing except in reverse (directional wise) but not as pronounced as the right eye.




  1. Yes, it's normal for your pupil to change size with looking around and change in light.

    It sounds like you have a slight diplopia (crossed eyes) and that can be very easily and painlessly checked by your eye doctor. And also fixed pretty easily with a glasses prescription.

  2. Yes it is normal for the pupils to fluctuate so long as both are doing it simultaneously.  As for the blurring and double vision, true double vision occurs when both eyes are open. (I'm reading that the double vision occurs even when one eye is I don't think you have to worry about that).  In this case it's just blur and you may have a slight prescription.    This doesn't mean that you necessarily need glasses if you can function comfortably throughout the day.  Your best bet is to see your eye doctor.

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