
Is it normal for my whole left arm to feel heavy and also a bit tingly?

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Is it normal for my whole left arm to feel heavy and also a bit tingly?




  1. yes its fine. One time I got up to walk and my leg hurt alot. I tried to walk but I felt like big foot because I didnt have any feeling in my leg.. And one time I couldnt even raise my arm. It comes from awkward positions and holding it in one spot for a long period of time.

  2. how old are you?  do you have high blood pressure?  Does heart disease run in your family?  Id go to the nearest ER and have it checked out.  Your heart cannot regenerate tissue that has been damaged.  its nothing to fool around with.  

  3. noo you should see a doc. sounds like heart trouble. my dear please see a doctor asap.

  4. Yes. Happens to every one out there.

    Don't worry, it just means your arm is 'asleep'.

    It usually happens when you're cold, or you put on a lot of weight on your arm,....

  5. No it is not normal and you need to call your and let them know your symptoms.

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