
Is it normal for our new baby bunny to have diarrhea?

by  |  earlier

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We just acquired 2 baby Lionhead rabbits from a friend of mine who rescued 14 of them. I am unsure as to the exact age of the bunnies. They had a lot going on yesterday. They were transported from her house to my mom's house for my son's birthday party. We in a pet carrier all day, with food and water, and then had a 2 hour drive back to our house. Neither bunnies have the solid pellet p**p that I'm used to seeing with rabbits. My girlfriend said she didn't notice any diarrhea when they were at her house, but she also had 14 bunnies to look after. I am concerned and didn't know if this could be stress induced or if it's something serious. One of the bunnies now has diarrhea stuck to his bottom and I want to give him a bath. She said he never had that at her house. I am hoping it's just stress, but wanted to get the opinions of people who have had bunny experience. I have not had a rabbit since I was a child.






  2. you will need to feed your bunny lots and lots of HAY and dried rabbit pellets and NOO GREEN FOODS.X if there is no inprovment in a few days then take it to the vets.x

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