
Is it normal for parents to pay for college and a first car?

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cause my parents told me recently that i am going have to pay for my first car and my college and university fee. is that ridiculous or am i wrong?

because i know univerties cost about 20,000 a year.




  1. It all depends on circumstances. Many parents can’t afford these things. If you need to check with the Financial Aid Office of college or university you wish to attend. They can help you and your parents decide what is best.

    I went to community college and paid my own way and bought my own cars. I though my parents were well off but I just wanted to get away from them and didn’t want to owe them anything.

    Don’t worry too much about college cost. Just focus on what you want to do and don’t let anyone discourage you. If you want to do something or be something and you never give up you might just make it no matter what your circumstances.

  2. i would have to say your wrong sorry my parents made me buy my car and pay for college i was even kicked out when i graduated but every parent is diffrent

  3. no, once you are of age your parents don't have to pay for anything for you anymore. Of course many parents still do, but only if they can afford it. If your parents can't afford it, then it's not unreasonable for them to ask you to pay for college and a car. Remember there are always Pell Grants and scholarships you can get to help pay for school. Edit-at least they told you now while you are only 16, you still have a couple of years to save. Your parents are probably just trying to teach you fiscal responsibility.

  4. only the spoiled rich kids get all their car and college paid for by parents. the fact that you are asking this puts you in the same category as some b****y rich girl. I may be wrong, but thats how it looks. Honestly, unless your parents make some decent money, or you get really lucky, they won't pay for it. Also, filling out the FAFSA for school will get you federal loans for pretty much, if not all of your tuition. You will have to pay them back, but not until after your graduate. Look for scholarships.

  5. Jeez, if your parents have a good amount of money, they should just be handing it over to you. I assume a 5 series BMW is what you have been looking at. Probably around Christmas time so you can run out and see it hidden behind the woodpile. You can jump up an down, scream loudly, and text all your friends "IDK if i can like hndle this, I so just like got a new car, your BFF". As for college, maybe the top party school would be great for you as well. Just make sure you don't get good grades and drop out a couple of times as well.

    Of course your parents should be doing all this, they certainly have not worked hard for every penny, probably never have sacrificed anything to make sure you have food on the table or clothes.

    I would run up to them right now and throw a fit, hold your breath, and tell them how horrible they are being.


  6. Actually, this is according to what parents can afford. Times are very tough right now. As for a car, a "good used car" will do the trick. Take someone with you who has expertise about cars and is mechanically inclined. If you are lucky and your parents are as well, I wish you the very best. However, don't blame your parents if they can't afford this. Peace!!!

  7. no - it is normal for kids to pay at least some of their own expenses!  No, parents do not need to buy a car for kids-

  8. Not all univeristies cost 20K a year.  You can go to a community college for less than 2,500 a year.  And it doesn't matter HOW much money they make - you are not entitled to a dime if they don't want to you have it.

  9. I believe it is not the best thing to do but the parents who have the possibility to do it will do so.

    It is better you start getting things on your own even if it takes you longer. Its a good way to grow independant. you start figuring the value of things and to take more responsibility for yourself.

    i know to do this is way harder. I know because I lived it but I am glad I did because I feel proud I did that all on my own.

    and that's a great feeling.

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