
Is it normal for people to be afraid of things tipping over? things like cars, boats, ect.?

by Guest65307  |  earlier

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Is it normal for people to be afraid of things tipping over? things like cars, boats, ect.?




  1. quite normal. Its your bodies defence mechanism

  2. As regular as Rain!

  3. Do you mean an abnormal fear, like you don't want to ride in ANY car or boat because of your fear? No, that's not normal. That's a psychosis.  If someone went in a boat for the first time, and it tipped over by a drunk boat driver or someone being stupid, then is afraid of going in a boat again, yes, that is more "normal", but still a fear that needs overcoming.  If you just have a hard time balancing, and tend to fall more in cars or boats, that is a legitimate concern, I'd say. You may have a physical medical condition which causes your fear. Them's my opinions,

    - The Gremlin Guy -

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