
Is it normal for rabbits to eat their own p**p, even when they have enough food given to them daily?

by  |  earlier

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thanks. i have two rabbits.




  1. They aren't actually eating their f***s, it has nothing to do with the sort of diet, and rabbits are supposed to eat vegetables as part of a healthy diet.  They are eating what are called Cecotropes, which is actually a mass of vitamin-rich substance loaded with beneficial bacteria from their cecum that they are supposed to ingest for a healthy digestive system.  

    So: 1. It's normal

          2. They are not f***s  

  2. Cartography, or the act of eating their own f***s, is rather common in rabbits.  If they have too much moisture in their food (carrots, lettuce, etc.) then they don't get all the nutrients out of the food.  They will eat the watery p**p to absorb more of the nutrients.  To stop this, stop feeding your rabbit vegetables since it ruins their digestive system.  Good luck.

  3. Yes, sometimes dogs eat their own p**p too......

  4. yuck its true and dogs eat  their own p**p too. I saw it at a pet store once. It was gross!

  5. Here's a website that discusses what your rabbit may actually be doing. I hope it helps.

  6. yes

  7. Yes it helps them recover enzymes they need they usually eat the night f***s because they have a different composition than the regular p**p.

  8. yep, It helps their digestive system

  9. It is absolutely normal for rabbits to do this, in fact, rabbits in the wild do this frequently.  They eat food that is harder to digest (think about it...cows eat grass and need four stomachs to digest it fully, rabbits only have one).  Rabbits in the wild have to be constantly alert, since they are prey animals, so they eat quickly and then run to a hiding place to defecate.  This initial defecation is just like mashed together, only slightly digested plant matter.  If you find rabbit p**p in the wild like this, you can pick it up and break it apart and it won't smell at all.  They then eat the p**p pellets and can digest it more fully to get all of the nutrients.  Rabbits that have been domesticated have not lost this instinct from their wild roots.  It is perfectly normal and will not harm them.

  10. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is, because my bunny{Who we just returned today, also did it, we got rid of him for bad biting habbits. And I just got my new Bunny Hollister Rose, and I havn't known her long enough to see her habbits}

    But anyways, he may do it cause he's bored, try giving him some toys, you can make easy ones, just get a Toilet paper tube, and put it in there. I also put beads i na toilet paper tube, and that worked okay, except they kept sticking.....

    My bunnies, also like balls with bells in the middle, try putting some of those in, or even cat toys!

    Also, take him out to exercise often, this may also cure boredom, and create bonding!!!

    Good luck!

  11. Yes, rabbits can't digest cellulose and other nutrients, so they sometimes eat their own p**p for the leftover nutrients.  

  12. There Are Several Reasons Why He/She Could Be doing This:

    1. He/She does not eat enough Vitamins in her food, so she would re eat her food.

    2.He/She Could not have any food in her cage/house etc so she would eat her p**p again.

    You shouldn't worry about this as my rabbit does this all the time and it is in her nature.

    Hope This Helps!!!

  13. yes it is normal.

    my rabbit does it too.

    As disgusting as it may sound, this is actually healthy for the rabbit.

    weird huh?

    dont worry your rabbit is fine & good luck your pet (:

  14. Yeah it is. my rabbit does it too.

  15. Yes it definately is.

    Rodents and lagomorphs (rabbits, hares and pikas) do not completely digest their food when they eat it. Some of the nutrients are still in their faeces (poo).

    So what they do, is the first time they pass the food, they pass soft pellet. They then eat these pellets, then reabsorb the nutrients in the pellet. They pass these out as harder faeces, after all the nutrients have been taken in.

    Almost all rabbits eat their own poo, it's perfectly natural and helps keep the bunny healthy.

    Good lucl. =)

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