
Is it normal for red beef to have brown spots before you cook it

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is it normal for red beef to have brown spots before you cook it

and is it safe to eat




  1. YES, it is safe... the RED color in a great deal of commercial beef in the USA is a result of injection with carbon monoxide !!

    A little "browning" is actually aging... and aged-steaks are terrific.

    Those who say if it has any smell "Toss it" are off also... I take beef with a slight odor and just STEW it for several hours... with wine or vinegar which will kill any germs.

  2. It just means that it has bled - if you let the beef sit in the fridge for a few days, the blood runs out of it. It doesn't mean it's not safe, but just not the freshest, and may not be as juicy. It also happens when you store it in the freezer, or you can even see it at the store like that.

    If in doubt, toss it out.  

  3. IT's safe to eat.  Beef exposed to oxygen turns brown.  To big deal.  Those are probably just some spots that got oxygen before the rest of it.

  4. yeah, sometimes but that means it's on it's way out. Smell it and if there is a doubt in your head toss it.

  5. It is probably discolouration due to being in contact with air.

    It will be safe to eat if it has been handled correctly.

    Only you know how fresh it is, how it has been wrapped and stored.

  6. The brown spots are normal. It's a natural process where the blood in the meat starts to dry up. It should be fine as long as it has just started to turn. However; if it is past the "sell by" date I would use the smell test. If it smells sour, then it is no good. If there is no sour smell, then it should be fine. If you are not sure, don't take chances, bad meat can cause a nasty food poisoning.

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