
Is it normal for when i run...?

by  |  earlier

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my legs well more specifically my knees get this tremor-y feeling and after i'm done running my ears hurt? i know the ear thing might not be normal.. is there something i can do about either?

i'm a pretty good runner and i like doing it, i just feel really crabby when i'm done because of the knees and ear things.




  1. The ear thing could be high blood pressure. Have you had a physical?

    The knee thing everyone gets from over exertion.

  2. yes happens to me but did it alot when i first started

  3. The knee thing is normal, that usually happens when you start running or for more experienced runners that happens if they do a really hard workout .

    The ear thing is not as normal, not everyone gets that but I have heard of it happening before. My ears only hurt if it is windy or cold. I have never heard of a screeching before though just pain that will go away after a little while. I would say if that doesn't stop in 1 or 2 weeks as a Dr.

  4. after i run my ears kinda pound(like my heartbeat) wats happening tu u again? the ear thing goes away after a while(for me)

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