
Is it normal for young adults to have suicidal thoughts?

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Is it normal for young adults to have suicidal thoughts?




  1. i used to think so because i had them and everyone that i hung out with had them and so i just thought they were normal.but now i realize...its not.

  2. sometimes its normal. its probably cuz u depressed.

  3. do not kill yourself, but kill your problem !!!!

  4. i think that there are some people who have thoughts about it, but don't ever commit to it. i think that if someone is having those thoughts, they should talk to someone. sometimes it helps those people to have someone to talk to - stranger or not.

  5. no, you are probably really depressed.  Please see a doctor and do not kill yourself.

  6. that depends on wht you mean by 'suicidal thoughts'. if you mean just thinking about it, but never truly considering doing it, then id say its pretty normal. but if you are seriously considering it or have planned it out, or if youve tried or something like that its not so normal anymore

  7. No not really.  If anyone at all has suicidal thoughts they should see their GP as soon as possible.  Tomorrow is Sunday and GP surgeries are not open but your friend could go to a walk-in centre and tell the problem to a complete stranger, which might be more helpful.  Please pass this message on to whoever needs it.  Also there is the Samaritans help line and as you have a computer, I would google this subect and find out as many things you can as to who else could help,  The most important thing is to get help quickly, as soon as possible as these thoughts are a threat to anyone's life no matter how old they are.  

    Be well.

  8. It's not good to have them, but I think it's normal to an extent.  I mean, most of the 'I'm feeling suicidal' questions are posted by teenagers, right?  You're not the only one feeling that way.

  9. Normal as in wishing you weren't here?  Or really debating about hurting yourself.

    Yes, at times all people who are in a bad place in life wish they could be out of it and one of the thoughts can be wishing they were "dead".  

    But thinking of really hurting yourself calls for some intervention.  

    Please if you are seriously contemplating hurting yourself talk to someone.

    Life can suck at times, but stick around it gets better!

  10. I think it happens to a great deal of young adults and teens.  It is definately something that needs to be checked out by a psychiatirst.  I have had suicidal thoughts and even plans.  I  have a psychiatrist now and I have not had any for over a year.  That is a very long time for me.

    Try to get some care for this and if you are feeling really bad go to the ER.

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