
Is it normal for your GF to squeeze your blackheads and pimples?

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My GF used to squeeze blackheads off my nose when we were first going out (first 2-12 months). its about 24months now and for the last 12 months it just really hurts like someone is stiking a pin in your nose (or back or where ever they are). I tell her I don't want her to get them anymore because its painfull and anoying; but she is fixated on it and says i dont care about her as much as i used to because i dont let her get them and that she really enjoys it, what are your expereinces with this issue?

Also whats with her obession, do others get this?? If we are making out or something a little more intimate, sometimes she notices them on my face and looses her mojo because she wants to squze the black head!




  1. 1.) She must like you ALOT

    2.) It grosses her out a bit

    3.) Take better care of your skin

    Some good skin care prod.

    *Netrogena wave


    *Clean and Clear

  2. Ughhh...That's gross.It's gotta be love.

  3. That is disgusting....I would make you do it.

  4. My best friend does that to her boyfriend all the time!  He hates it. But she's taking an aesthetics course right now, and after she gets her license she will be able to do facials professionally, and then she will be getting paid to squeeze stuff out of people's faces.  

  5. my best friend always squeezes her BF spots... its just one of those things... shows how comfortable she is around you


  6. LOL YA. my cuzin always does it to her boyfriend. and some of my freinds do it to their boyfriend and girls.. its just a habit. liek bitting your nails. tell her that its embarasing.please stop. i love you the same still and even more each day. but it really hurts please know you can always buy a blackhead scrub,.. gets rid of them in liek a week after using it twice a day.

    bets of luck!

  7. It is normal for a girlfriend to do this, mine used to do it all the time till we broke up, but it sounds like they gross her out, so if you take better care of your skin the problem is solved and she wont have to do it anymore.

  8. yes! its hard to resist, like bubble wrap!

  9. Don't let her do that. Find her something else to play with.

    You're going to scar.  

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