
Is it normal for your eyes to change colour ?

by  |  earlier

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hi there,

ive always wondered why my eyes change colour, like one day their green, next their blue & then grey, is this normal ? No one else in my family have this problem :S,

if this is normal why does this happen ?





  1. really? wow i've never heard of that - i wish mine did lol

  2. My do that in the light. And it's also because my eyes aren't one straight colour. They are a mixture.

  3. im the same.

    and it is because you have natural grey eyes which reflect the colours of the surrounding place of you which is usually green and blue so that is proabbly why.

    my eyes do the same.

    i have light grey eyes in the morning but by the end of the day they are a bluey greeny colour.

    :) you're fine.

  4. Yes its totally normal. Mines change from a very dark brown, almost black then the next day theyll be green with flecks of gold. My grandads did the exact same.

  5. Its normal.

  6. that's impossible!

  7. I have exactly the same condition. I asked my optometrist and I was told that becasue your eyes are grey, they reflect the most dominant colour of the day.There are more blues and greens in your envirnment than any other colour.

    I believed him!

  8. so your eye colour is between blue and green...

    green / blue / grey often change in blue eyes. they are in the same range of colours, and the colour depends on how the light falls on your pupilla.

    my eyes are brown - one day almost black-brown, the next hazel with green lines...

    Take it as a gift - your eyes are never boring ;-)

  9. Its happened to just about everyone I know, at one point.

    No clue why it happens though.

  10. I think it's normal because when I was little my eyes were bright blue and now they are grey/blue.

  11. nah it's fine...mine do that too...they seem to go a hazel-brown in the sun and on rainy days they go very dark...i don't know why

  12. i wish my eyes were like that, you're so lucky!!! yeah some people's eyes are like that.

  13. this is kinda creepy... anyway, my eyes do the same thing. a lot of people say it is because of the clothes you wear, but it is not. my eyes always change from green to gray to blue and always have. sometimes it goes with my emotions, and sometimes it just changes... when i am upset, they get a really bright green, and when i am mad, they go really dark green... maybe it has something to do with the salt in my eyes, but it changes all the time, so i dont know what to think. the only thing about my eyes that doesnt change is the jagged line around my pupil. it stays the same color. i wouldnt really consider it a problem, i think it is a little bit of a warning sign for the people i am around. you know how your eyes are supposed to be a window into your soul? well, i think my eyes are a window into my thoughts at that moment, but the key for anyone is to understand them... i dont think it is possible for anybody to understand what i think, because most of the time, i would like to understand the thoughts and feelings i have... either way, our eyes may change color depending on how wet your eyes are, and how how you are feeling... i dont really know, but that is how it happens with my eyes.

    i hope i answered the question okay!!!!

    have a great day!


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