
Is it normal for your mom to be like the popular girl in high school...

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she is your best friend one second and is talking trash on you the next thats how my mom is like i will confide in her and she will tell my dad and ne one ells she talks to my mom is my best friend but she hurts me so bad i have told her about this many times but she never changes she switches from me and my sister like she will be my best friend and do everything with me and tell me everything then the next week she dont want nething to do with me and is with my sister all the time is this normal what do i do she just hurts me so bad and i ant even stay mad at her about it why dose she stab me in the back is your mom like this sorry for my complaining but this is like free therapy for me lol




  1. wow...... looks like ur mom have some major growing up to do. from wat u're mentioned above, she sure behaves like a teen. why don't u talk to her bout tis. maybe she's so busy trying to please both you and ur sister and acting like a teen, she mite not have realised wat she's doin to you. if u think talking to her won't change a thing, then talk to you dad. tell him how u feel and wat u think. maybe he will be able to talk to ur mom. otherwise just close an eye and ear and take her as she is and at the same time do'nt share with her anything secret or problem which u think she mite not keep or spill out later.  

  2. Sounds like mom is too busy trying to be yours and your sisters friend, that she's forgetting to be mom. And that sucks.

    You could try telling her that you need a mom and not another friend.. maybe she'll get the hint. If not, stop confiding to her. Find someone else you trust that WON'T go blabbing all your personal stuff to.  

  3. My mom is just like this. I thought my mom was the only one. You might try talking to her about what she is doing and how it makes you feel. If this doesn't work you should try to find a new person to talk about your problems. I've learned to watch what I say and tell her things that don't really matter. Hope things get better between you and your mom good luck.

  4. no its not normal same thing goes on with me except with my dad. but the reason for this i'm guessing is that that is how she might have been treated by her parents. because the way a child is raised can effect how they raise and treat there kids. your mom could also be stressed so probably just stay clear of her that's what i do when my parents are all crazy and stuff.

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