
Is it normal if my pregnate cat throws up her food?

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My cat ate her food and she is pregnats and about ready to have her kittens but she all of the sudden threw up all of her food!!!it was sooo gross!!!im not sure if thats just normal if its realy bad!!!please help im scared for her!!!




  1. She's alright... That sort of thing happens to Pregnant Mom's of ALL Species... -They gotta take things kinda SLOWLY, those last few weeks...  :)

  2. If she threw up just once it's not a big deal. Don't worry about it. It could be fur, could be she ate too much. I have a very furry cat who throws up every other day, it's usually from fur that she swallows. But watch your cat, if she is throwing up over and over and cannot keep her food down, she may have swallowed something which is causing blockage or it may be something else. You would need to take her to a vet right away if she can't keep any food down.

  3. yes she fine. just like people pregnate women get sick sometimes, now if she was throwing up blood that would be a problem and you should get her to the vet

  4. She may have eaten too fast or had an upset tummy (morning sickness?). . . Don't worry. If she's been eating, she'll be able to take care of her kittens. Start feeding her kitten food. It'll probably be easier on her stomach and it will help her give more nutrients to her kittens now and through her milk.

  5. That is one of the common things that happen to pregnant cats.

    Unless you’re breeding your cat chances are you won’t know your cat is pregnant until she is well along in the gestation period. The mother doesn’t begin to bulge noticeably until a couple of weeks before delivery time. Here are a few signs and symptoms you may see if your cat is pregnant:

    - Nipples will begin to enlarge and become more soft and pink (this is the #1 sign)

    - Weight gain, especially around the mid-section

    - Increase in appetite, this usually occurs close to birth

    - Some cats may become more affectionate than usual

    - Cats may also exhibit morning sickness

    - Nesting activity begins

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