
Is it normal is mis your child so much you just about go crazy while they are at headstart?

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my son has been going to head start since last october ..right around noon i miss him so much i cant hardly stand it ..

number 2 ...

when my son plays with other kids i get frustrated ..

because the kids are really mean , and they teach him to behave in ways i dont care for's like after they leave the house he thinks its okay to be a little but head , because the other kids were acting like that ...........

he is the only child so i feel obligated to have him around other kids as much as possiable , but it seems like the ones that come to the house are little monsters , including his cousins...

need some advice from other parents ?




  1. Everyone misses their kids (at least I would hope so). By the end of work I cannot wait to get home to give my son a big hug and play with him

  2. It sounds like you might be a little overzealous.  Keep in mind that it is so important for children to develop interpersonal skills...and that can only happen if they are around other children.  Even the bad ones.  It helps them problem solve and realize that they are not always the center of attention.  

    It is your job to correct problem behaviors that he learnes from other children.  That's just an inevidable part of parenting though.

  3. I miss the heck out of my kids while I'm at work. It's normal, especially before they go to school. (I think, anyway)

    Your son is lucky to have such a loving mom!

  4. I'm not sure where the idea of daycare was healthy came from....

    ...but it isn't.

    You child probably misses you just as badly as you miss him. The difference is, your child doesn't have the perspective you do. So when you leave your child in a strange place with strange, frightening people, he feels truly abandoned.

    This leads to violent outbreaks, melancholy, lack of trust, and self destructive behaviors later on.

    You instinct to miss you child is there for a reason. It's telling "WHERE IS THE CHILD?? GO FIND THE CHILD!!"

    Of course, you KNOW where the child is....your son doesn't have any idea where you are.

    This kind of abandonment can shape your child's psyche for his entire life.

    If I were you, I would work out a way to keep your child at home. Exposure to other people's little monsters is not healthy, instructive, or positive. It'll teach him that when:

    A. Mommy will abandon you...don't trust her.

    B. When she does, you'll be placed into an unfamiliar room filled with violent children and strange moral authorities.

    C. It's ok to attack other children to make yourself feel more in control.

    This is the kind of thinking that gets teenagers put in prison. Whatever idiot convinced you that exposure to other people's monsters would help your child, was wrong.

    Children belong with their mothers. So go get your son back!

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