
Is it normal normal to cry for no good reason?

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yesterday i was bawling for about 30 minutes. i don't know why. My friend told me maybe I needed to release all my emotions i was bottling up inside when i went through a emotional trauma couple months ago.




  1. I spent most of my life stuffing down all my emotions, because they weren't good, or safe to show to others. Recently, I went through a program to help me deal with addiction, as well as a rather violent and abusive childhood.  Two days after the program ended (July 13) I started balling for no reason whatsoever, and couldn't stop for almost two hours. This has been happening to me since then, though it has gotten easier to manage.

    I think your friend is right. When you bottle up your emotions, they need an out sometime!! I believe that depression is anger turned inward on yourself. Whatever you felt, or didnt' allow yourself to feel, from this emotional trauma you suffered, is probably coming to the surface. I would suggest talking to someone you trust about it, or even just write down what you're feeling and going through.

    Don't stress over it, I think if these emotions are being released "on their own", so to speak, it's because your mind and body believe you're ready to deal with them. They'll only hold them in as long as is necessary for your own safety. Our minds are amazing.

  2. Your friend is probably right. Bottling up emotions isn't good. Do you feel better now? I hope so!

  3. It's quite all right. In fact, crying will definitely make you feel better as it allows you to release pressure or emotions that you have bottled up. So your friend is quite right.

  4. yea, enspecially if u went thru something traumatic a few months ago, its good to let go of those emotions...cry it out....

  5. It sounds to this layperson as if you're depressed.  One doesn't need to be depressed "about" anything.  Depression can result from a chemical imbalance.  Your family doctor can probably help.

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