
Is it normal or should I worry???? ?

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I am 24 weeks pregnant, I have read and heard you should feel a few kicks about ever hour if not you need to contact your doctor. Well ever visit my son is great perfect heart beat and growth, but like I notice I dont feel alot of kicks all day, I started at 145lbs and now is 165lbs I stand 5" and about 2 inches. So im not tiny but im not a cow. I feel a kick ever day but not alot, I have woke up to him kicking so he might just be kickin and im sleeping through it but should I be worried if I go a few hours with out feel (or noticing) and movement




  1. when you are this early it's hard to be aware of every little movement the baby you get further along it will be harder not to notice all the movement.  but, if you are ever worried, drink some juice and lay down on your left side in a quiet room for an hour...remember that babies have 20 minute sleeping cycles, so give it the full hour if you can and count the movements...if you don't reach 4 in an hour, call your doc.  but remember to be in a quiet place with no distractions, it is very easy to ignore/not notice movements early of luck!

  2. i dont know about u shud feel a kick every hour ive never heard of that before. im expecting my 3rd baby and as i remember from this and my other pregnacys at 24wks yes u will feel some movements but not like u r expecting . u say the checks made on baby r all good and that u do feel some movement almost every day i wud not worry it sounds to me that baby is just fine and u have a while left yet theres still alot going on in there remember. i have six weeks to go and id say its only the last few weeks that baby is on the go more often dont go worring im sure ur doing just fine.  

  3. well it is very important to do your kick counts. If he hasn't kicked in awhile, you can try to get him to move around by eating or moving around. This can get some movement out of him. If you're really concerned and that doesn't help, I would call your dr. to be on the safe side.  

  4. At 24 weeks, you shouldn't be worried!!

    I never really started feeling my son kick ALL THE TIME until about 30ish weeks. And around that time, I couldn't get him to stop kicking - punching - flopping and hiccuping to save my life!

    You're still pretty early, so I don't think its anything to be alarmed over. As long as you're feeling him a few times per day, great! His heartbeat is strong, you're both growing, good all around? Then don't let this affect your peace!

    Once you get to 30-35 weeks, you should be feeling him non-stop. But for now, stop stressing and get some rest! =)

    Good luck <3

  5. no, it's not true about feeling a few kicks every hour. i feel my baby late at night, and then sometimes early in the morning. and then i feel a few kicks after lunch and dinner, but that's it for the whole day. this early you're not able to be monitoring fetal movement (my doctor's having me start that at 28 weeks). once you do start monitoring fetal movement, you should be able to count 10 kicks every 2 hours. trust me, if you lay down throughout the day and drink something cold, you'll be able to feel the baby move. usually though, you're moving around and rocking the baby to sleep, so you wont feel it throughout the day. don't worry, you're fine!

  6. I am pregnant with my 4th and NEVER felt the kicks the way they say you should.  Some days I woukd feel the baby being very active and some days I would feel nothing at all.  All of my kids are big and healthy and very active infants.  I think sometimes you just don't feel it because you are moving around a lot too, sometimes they may move when you are sleeping.  I would worry if you felt movements every day and then one day it all stopped but otherwise the baby is probably just fine.

  7. 1) Its too early

    2) Its when they are most active, babies are allowed to sleep in the womb

    7. When do I start doing a kick count?

    Kick count can be performed once a day during the time when your baby is most active. This is typically after meals, after physical activity, or in the evening.

    Your obstetrical provider may ask you to start daily kick counting at 24 -26 weeks if you have a high risk pregnancy. Otherwise, kick counting can begin at 28 weeks in a normal pregnancy.

    8. How do I perform a kick count?

    There are different ways to do the kick count. Be sure discuss kick counting with your provider. One of the most common methods recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is counting the time it takes for your baby to make 10 movements which include kicks, turns, twists, swishes, rolls and jabs. Your baby should move 10 times in less than 2 hours.

        * Do the kick count once a day.

        * Select a time of the day best suited for you when your baby is usually active. For most women, fetal movement typically peaks after meals, after activity, and in the evening.

        * Do the kick count roughly at the same time every day.

        * Get in a comfortable sitting or lying position. Relax and dedicate this time to feel your baby's precious movements.

        * You may want to rest your or your partner's hands on your abdomen to feel the movements better. Your ability to feel the baby depends on the thickness of your abdominal wall, placental location, and your sensitivity to the movements.

        * Jot down the time of the baby's first kick (movement) and the time of the 10th kick. Most of the babies will take much less than 30 minutes to complete 10 kicks.

        * Since healthy babies have sleep cycles, your baby may not kick, or kick less than usual, or have less than 10 kicks in 2 hours. If so, wake up the baby by drinking fluid or by walking for 5 minutes. Repeat the kick count.

        * Contact your provider or the labor and delivery room if the there is still decreased fetal movement or if there is a significant change in the movements.

        * Some providers may recommend that if there have not been 10 kicks in one hour, you should contact your provider for further evaluation.

        * Discuss with your provider about kick counting instructions.

  8. usually they are awake when you are sleeping, because while you are moving, it rocks them to sleep in a way LOL

    the test that works is drink some sweet juice or something, and that USUALLY gets them moving LOL dont fret though! they have irregular sleeping and waking patterns.

    Im sure everything is fine, mommy instincts are kicking in i can see, as you are so worried lol :)

    congrats btw

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