
Is it normal..?

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to get a reaaallyy bad head ache when youre near spirits?

when the teenage guy in my house comes near me i get a reaaally bad headache. almost like a migrane..

anyone else get this?




  1. Sometimes it happens, but most of the time it is a warning to get away.  He also might just be overwhelming you with his energy. He may be trying to communicate with you.

  2. Not me, but there are certain things that happen to people caused by ESP.

    Some people have a natural sense for expecting a visitor, so their nose may itch whenever someone's going to show up with or without their knowledge. Some people get an itch in their hand when money is expected. Supposedly when you accidentally call the person by the wrong name, odds are that that person's talking about you at the moment.

    I suppose subconsciously, picking up a bad vibe from a person could cause an inbalance somewhere in your head to cause the head aches. It's never happened to me, but I suppose it's possible.

  3. How do you know when you are near spirits? Do you know you are near spirits when you get a bad head ache?

  4. no

  5. It sound like you are very sensitive to spirits... But what I would like to know is when these head-ache start coming on do you looking around you and do colors flash thought your mind.. And does your mouth dry up and when all is said and done do you start drinking water............... For many people that are sensitive to spirits have this happen to them.............. And if not could you please tell me what bodly changes do  you go thru.......................................

  6. how do you know when your near a spirit?

  7. Spirits feed of energy, like electrical devises and such. High amounts of electrical energy can cause head aches, nausea, even temporary blindness. And I would say that your house has bad wiring before I say that it's a spirit.
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