
Is it normal that I am 17 and....

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Alright...I just turned 17 years voice has deepened already (15 or so) i have hair and everything....but as far as facial hair....its still all blonde and very comes in very thin. p***s is only maybe 4 and a half inches errect

is that normal? will it grow anymore? and is it normal that im not very much facial hair is coming in?




  1. You are still young, dont worry

  2. im 17, 18 in april of next year, i dont have much facial hair and as far as my instrument its only 5.5 inches long so i share the same hope as u and we hope they get bigger

    well hope that helped and hope we get bigger jaja

    good luck

  3. that is completely normal (the hair). 5-6 inches erect is the normal range, you may be a bit short but like the previous answer wait and see with time. All with time.

    Good Luck


  4. maybe you're a late bloomer?!

    as for your p***s, idk as for the hair, don't worry give it time.

    My pubes for example were straight and fine till i was around 20 and I started shaving there and now it's all coarse.

  5. Puberty doesnt fully stop until your mid-twenties, there's sill hope.

  6. nope your  fucked

  7. The hair is all in genetics if your dad and granpa don't hav much facial hair that's wat it is

    And the p***s the normal size is 6in mayb u should tlk 2 a doctor I am only 13 and have a 6.5 in p***s

    But don't worry u stop growing at around 18-21 so u hav some time but hav in mind its all genetics

  8. I started puberty pretty normally but the growths happened fast.

    When I was 13, I already had full hair on my p***s, quite alot of armpit hair.

    I was even shaving by then. And I had unusually lots of leg hair. It don't bother me though. Some people are like "Whoa" at my leg hair.

  9. you are still young and regardless of what happens worrying will not change what happens. worry might make your outcome worse. so relax and enjoy life.

  10. Wow im 14 and i do everything opposite of u! I shave and yea!! mine is         5  1/2in!! its ok most guys who have blond hair start to save what there a Jr. in collage!!  and black hair guy start to shave at like 15!! it ok!!

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