
Is it normal that baby sleeps all day after shots without awaking?

by Guest10794  |  earlier

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she got her first shots today at 9 weeks of age. usally she is up most of the day but since she got her shots she is sleeping.





  1. It effects kids differently. As long as you can wake her up its ok. My grandbaby slept almost 2 days when she some one time.

  2. normal!  My baby girl just had her 4 month shots and she slept all day too

  3. yes all three of my kids did that i think it just makes them tired and it can also give them a slight fever so make sure to have baby tylonol on hand

  4. Yes, it is normal.  My daughter slept all day and night for a day or two after her first set of shots.  You need to make sure she doesn't develop a fever too.  I kept on checking her temperature through out the day while she was sleeping. She didn't get a temperature but I did give her Tylenol because when she did wake up she was very  cranky and you can tell she didn't feel good.  

  5. Yes it is, mine slept too. I am sure she will be very hungry then she will wake up. You can try gently tickling her to see if she would wake up to eat - if she is too sleepy jut let her sleep. And make sure have Infants Tylenol on hand, mine had fever after woke up after sleep, took Tylenol, ate and back to sleep.

  6. It is very normal. Some babies are very unsettled and some just sleep. DOnt let her sleep too long though. YOu need to make sure she is eating. YOu also want to wake her up to feed during the day because if you dont she will be up all night wanting to feed because she hasnt eaten for the day.  

  7. Yes, very normal.She had a traumatic, new experience and she is sleeping to get over it. But you should get some rest too, because she may be up all night.  

  8. yes. my daughter slept for HOURS and tehn woke up crying in pain (on her leg where they injected her) i gave her tylenol and she went back to sleep. she was fine the next day  

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