
Is it normal that my kitten chases my adult cat?

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ok so a few weeks ago i got a kitten...and now he keeps chasing my adult cat....i don't know if it's jealousy or something but he's been doing it since we got him

please help me!




  1. yeah, thats normal. he's probably trying to establish himself in the household. that behavior should stop pretty soon. then you they will probably be acting all cute together!

  2. i think he don't like the other cat or jealousy

  3. Nah! your kitten is not jealous from you adult cat.. he just wants to play. Give him sometime

  4.   i think its just playing and trying to establish his status in the ranks.

  5. Sounds like your kitten is just trying to play with your adult cat.  

    Let them find their own rhythm.  

    But, that is really normal behaviour.  

  6. Yeh mine does the same.  Just be careful the grown up cat doesnt fight it ;)

  7. You didn't indicate how old your adult cat is, but kittens come turbocharged, and full of curiosity.  So your kitten sees that pile of fur on four paws, and investigates.  Your adult cat probably wishes the kitten would go away, and moves.  Off to the races.  

    It is very common, and will be resolved in time.  Just give both your furbuddies lots of love.

  8. Yes, it's natural for your kitten to want to chase your older cat. He wants to play! He is a kitten, after all.

    Way back when we got my cat, Freckles. He was a kitten, and we already had another cat, Smokey.

    Freckles would always play and jump and chase and pounce on Smokey. He didn't like it one bit, but you could tell they loved each other. xD Smokey is like a father to Freckles, since he's been around him almost since he was born.

    Now, nine years later, Freckles isn't a kitten anymore, but he still messes around with Smokey, sometimes. Freckles is 18 pounds, and Smokey is very thin (He's around 20 years old, now), but still.

    He's just pretty much bonding with your older can. Even if it's VERY annoying to your older one. xD

    Isn't that like us with our siblings?

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