
Is it normal to always feel the need to be validated in a relationship? How do you know when your being ...?

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overly sensitive? I will say sexual jokes/innuendos to my bf and often times he doesnt do anything in response. I will call him flirtatious names or send a dirty text and then ask him if he likes it and he just doesnt seem to get it...I know that hes crazy about me but I just feel invalidated by him so often. I constantly feel hurt by his indifference towards my attempts to rile him up. I enjoy initiating sexual/flirtatious behavior with my bf, but constantly feel like Im left high and dry by him.




  1. This kind of thing turns me off, and it leads to over analysis of a relationship which will eventually lead to its demise imho. Too much neediness is the root of a bad relationship. Each person is independent and the couple is the sharing part, but each person needs to love the other person more than themselves some times. Ramble ramble.

  2. welcome to the jungle...i had 4 kids with my ex i have no idea...she could care less about s*x..i think we made love once a month...but yet she said she loved me like no one else...after several years of marriage..she wouldn't even sleep with me...but she still loved me...what a weird way of showing it...i got tired of there ''love'' and ''s*x''...we divorced...just be cautious

  3. Sounds like you need someone who is a little looser ... your b/f sounds too stiff for you ... you need to hear how much he cares ,often ...

  4. It seems like he's not doing much to express how he feels. I think you have a right to feel the way you do. it seems like he's not really doing anything to show that you want to be validated. you may want to have a serious talk with him. are you sending him texts in order to get a reaction from him???Do you act more "crazy" in order to rile him up? I think you're in need of a serious talk with this guy. he needs to be more open.

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