
Is it normal to be 15 and...

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15 and have not kissed anyone before?

my best friend is stressing.

she's never had a boyfriend before either.

help me convince her she's normal?





  1. I'm 18 and never kissed anyone!

    I haven't had a boyfriend either!

  2. nothings wrong with her!!!

    I was 16 before I had my first kiss...and in all fairness, it was really bad anyway, he kissed like a washing machine, a lot of spit and tongue swirling...eeeuw!  They definitely got better after that. :-)

    I only started dating when I was 18...

    If she ends up going to parties and pulling in to every boy she can, then it's going to become a bad cycle, because all the boys will know that she does that, and she'll only attract the ones who want someone who is easy.

    Tell her to relax and enjoy this stage of her life.  It's over all too soon!

  3. I'm 20 and I have only kissed one person. I've never made out or anything though. I am waiting to share that with someone special and not just because everyone else is doing it. You and your friend can be different from all the other girls. It's definately not a bad thing!

  4. It's perfectly normal!

    I'm sixteen and I've never dated or made out with anyone either, and I know plenty of others in the same boat.

    There's nothing wrong with that--it just means I haven't met anyone I thought was good enough to kiss, haha.

    Your friend has her entire life to date and kiss all the guys she wants.

    There's no time limit--it's okay. And if it's about fitting in she's worried about, it's seriously not a big deal. It'll happen eventually for her, and whether or not a person has dated doesn't make them any better or worse than anyone else.

    It's not weird at all.

  5. No its normal but she will and its good she aint a s**t at least

  6. Hey im 15...

    never had a boyfriend...never been kissed.

    i mean if being kissed on the cheek in 2nd grade counts then ive been kissed before

    but hey shes normal!!! My sister is 18 and she has never been kissed, and she has only had 2 boyfriends.

    check this out please!;...  

  7. I'm turning fifteen next month and I've never had a boyfriend or kissed anyone before........

    It isn't a big deal.

    I think it's pretty normal....

    It'll just be more special when she eventually finds someone that she truly cares about.

  8. I didnt kiss a girlfriend until 17, perfectly fine.

  9. tell her wait for the perfect boy to tell her she beautifull instead of hot and the boy that shows her off to pplz they dont kno then the kiss will be more worth it

  10. I'm not sure what's considered normal for a 15 year old anymore. But I can certaintly tell you that if she stays pure she is more likely to wind up with a Hero instead of a Zero. If she is doing this by choice then she will get more respect by sticking to her goals and not giving in to peer pressure.

    I hope she continues with this. Good Luck!

  11. That's a good thing. I always wanted a sweet sixteen birthday but that never happened:/ I regretted... sure did....

  12. Not "normal" but perfectly fine.  There's no specific age when you have to start kissing boys, although the majority of girls start before that age.

  13. Nothing is ever normal anymore, haha.

    But it's not abnormal. I'm eighteen and only recently have I kissed a boy. I did have boyfriends before my current, but those don't really count.

    What's normal for one person may not be normal for another. If she isn't ready then so be it. That's normal for her.

    She needs to be true to herself, not the 'norm' of the teenage population.

  14. Yes, she's far luckier than most girls. She'll get to have her pick and choose who she wants when she wants! I didn't kiss, have a boyfriend, etc until I was 21. At first I just wasn't all that interested but when I turned 17 or so I could have had my pick but I turned them all down as I wanted the perfect person. I found him and I've never regretted waiting so long!!!!

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