
Is it normal to be failed by the dvla examiner just because. ..

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is it normal to be failed by the dvla examiner just because when doing 3 point turns (turning the car around) when in reverse (didn't go enough backwards having left a minor gap though i turn the car correctly and not touching any curb.He considered a serious mistake .i had ony 4 minor mistakes was a pass as far as i'm concerned.what do you think? .honestly




  1. i believe that it's just luck if u pass or fail.just forget about it.  

  2. The problem with the driving test is that it's just one examiner. As far as I know, you can't appeal against his decision. You may feel hard done by and you may be right but you'll never know for certain.

    Put the incident behind you and practise for the retest.

  3. You could have done the same as a friend of mine, who when reversing around a corner was parallel to the curb but didn't actually go far enough backwards and consequently the examiner failed him. However the examiner explained that the front of the vehicle was still overhanging the markings ( give way ) at the front of the road he reversed into and in his opinion was to close to the traffic traveling along the road he reversed out of and could have caused an danger to other traffic.

    It is also as someone else said down to the discretion of the examiner and what he thinks on the day.

    Hope this helps you

  4. It is actually the Driving standards agency who deals with tests, and instructors on behalf of the dvla. (all goverment based)

    The problem with driving tests, is that the overall score can't be negotiated, nor can a particular element be retaken.

    I think if you fail because of one thing, you should be able to do that one thing again, instead of retaking the entire test.

    They don't work anyway the tests don't, there are still reckless drivers on today's roads. Why should a decent driver such as yourself be failed, when all the dangerous teenage motorists are passed.

    It is outrageous, Also an Instructor I know has had a student that failed because the examiner was new and wasn't familiar with the speed limits or anything, Now is that BAD PRACTISE or what!

    The Instructor says that the DSA are (the 'W' word) and an ex examiner has referred to it as the "Double Standards Agency". They try their best possibly, but the only thing important to them is Money. Cash cash cash!


  5. If you have 3 minor mistakes in the same area then that equals a fail.

  6. You were unlucky. Another examiner proberly would have passed you.Sometimes it has to came down to the personal opinion of the examiner.

  7. A lot of things are the opinion of the individual examiner. If your driving was making him uncomfortable then they will look for failure points

  8. They souldnt of failed you for not goin back futher enough thats just bloody stoopid. i passed my test last week and in a 3 point turn i ht the curb n i thought tht i ****** it up but i didnt. on my 1st test i did a 3 point turn and i didnt go tht far back cause i was scared of hittin curb and he didnt fail me for that.

    If you feel that you werent treated fairly then you should complain about it. theres advice on the back of the sheets they give you but i think you have to take it to court but i think it can be difficult to win the case and you wont really get no where in doing it as youll still have to do another test anyway so it may be best to just forget it about and get prepared for your next test.

    good luck

  9. The Driving Test is an examination of your ability and confidence in controlling a car on the highway. If you can't demonstrate to the examiner that you can do a three point turn properly then he's duty bound to fail you.

    There are millions of other cars on the road these days, if you can't control yours properly you are a menace to everyone else and the examiner has done well to discover your faults before you cause an accident.

    It's not a slur on you, just a chance to get more practice so the next time you are examined you can demonstrate your superior control of a car. Then you can go solo.

  10. As per Bardic's response, you can't incur a serious fail for not reversing far enough during a 3 point turn.

    I dare you to post your fail sheet.

    See page 3 of the following for the criteria for a fail;

  11. There's a bit more to it than the way you describe it, I suspect. What did he actually say about it?

  12. There is for more to the serious driving error than you are telling us.  I suggest you write to the Supervising Examiner in the area you took your test and ask for a written explanation.  They will supply this information very willingly as the are very interested in you becoming a better driver.  Write to the area office of DSA and they will make sure the local supervisor gets your letter.

  13. I think you may have mis-understood why you have failed for the need to read the test report and identify exactly which box was marked for the Turn-in-the-Road.  If you had an instructor teaching you, they should have listened to the de-brief given by the examiner at the end of the test and therefore would have been able to explain fully where you had made the mistake and how to correct it.  (Your instructor can also sit in the car during the test if you ask the examiner, if you prefer).

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