
Is it normal to be more emotional/moody at the end of pregnancy?

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I swear, I could cry at the drop of a hat! Just wondering if anyone else was like this...




  1. yes it is normal

  2. Although I have never been pregnant I have taken extensive child development classes so I can help you. It is 100 percent normal to be very moody and emotional after pregnancy. This is often called the "baby blues". Don't worry at all. You will soon get over these sad feelings. The reason that you are so moody is because your hormones are not completely balanced just yet. They will be very soon, I guarantee it. I really hope you feel better, which you will. Good luck.

  3. I was wondering the same thing I'm 38 weeks today and i am so tired, grumpy,and emotional, i start crying if i drop stuff cause i get so frustrated that i cant bend over to pick it up lol I cant wait till its over but your not alone, and glad to know I'm not either

  4. Yes it is. I cried almost every week for anything.

  5. Yes, that's normal! Its a good thing that you're recognizing the problem. Just remember that it's all a part of your hormones and that things will clear up eventually... in the mean time, buy stock in Kleenex!

  6. Well im 38 weeks and never had the hormones affect me the way they do now. It's like an emotional roller coaster.

    I'd say it's normal.

  7. i have been emotional through this whole pregnancy. I think its because my husband and i aren't where we should be with each other to be having a baby. so i don't know if its normal, but the farther a long i get the more emotional i get. maybe you have other things going on as well.

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