
Is it normal to be sickened by the smell of meat?

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For the past month or so, whenever I so much as smell red meat I feel sick to my stomach. I haven't eaten it in years, and I have no interest in trying it again, but I am confused as to my response to it. Also, in the past week, my stomach has been so sensitive, and I haven't been able to eat much of anything. I know it is not that I could be pregnant, because I am not sexually active. So why would the smell of meat make me sick?




  1. I get like that sometimes, too, especially hamburger! Nasty!

  2. Yeah it's completely normal.

    I hold my breath every time I walk past the butchers, it's gross.

    It may just be your sense of smell is heightened because you're not used to the smell of it any more?

    Though it's common with a lot of vegetarians - you're not alone :)

  3. probably cause you are not used to that smell anymore

  4. is it uncooked cuz if cooked meat is makin u sick thats wierd !MEAT ROCKS!

  5. The same thing happened to me. I was a vegetarian for several years and am now vegan. The look and smell of meat is terrible to me now. So yeah, pretty normal. Not any different from not liking the smell of cheese or something.

  6. Celine thats mean but true it's a dead animal but no reason to go vegetarian no more burgers i cant think of a world without meat...

  7. Don't worry, it's completely natural. See red meat is a healthy source for many things such as iron and so on. And because the lack of red meat your body is getting slowly used to you not eating it. But becase it's a healthy thing your insides weaken, which is a really horrid thing because that way you will get very ill and then eventually die if you can't eat prooperly. But like I said don't worry as long as you have food with alot of iron and vitamins then you will be perfectly fine and healthy!

  8. You know its ok.

    I don't like the smell of meat either.

    Only meat I can tolerate is chicken and that can stink too.

    Nope all ok.

  9. maybe you're thinking of turning vegetarian. that's a dead animal you're smelling. :P

  10. oh snap

    i cant walk past a butcher without gagging







  11. You might want to try being vegan or vegetarian,  

  12. Yes its normal!! i mean its dead and its raw meat yuck who would not be sickened. that's why i dont eat it of course when its cooked it different. but i dont even like it and chicken too i dont like the smell of chicken even if its cooked. i mean you only ge "animal protein" from it and you get your proteins from other healthy stuff that make you muscles grow too. and they dont have to be meat. not only protein but b12 and other important stuff. ive been vegeterian for 4 months now and it been great im 17 yrs old and weight 115 lbs and building up muscles in great shape lol

  13. i dont like the smell of ham or i think its normal... but maybe the smell of red meat triggers some negative thoughts of ur past that somehow involved red i  hope i worded that right i dont wanna sound like an idiot

  14. I can't really say for sure, but dependeding on your weight and age you might have a stomach ulcer. I would suggest that you see your physician

    It could also be that perhaps you have become sensitive to a gluten or protein in the meat and are tricking your body's olfactory nerves by smelling.

    You might also have some sort of psychosomatic reaction to meat. If you are a devout vegetarian and feel sick to your stomach at the sight of any cruelty shown to an animal, you might need to consult a therapist if you feel this problem hinders your daily functioning.

    I have no medical liscence but your condition sounds intriguing.

  15. Oh I wish I had that problem!  I was a vegetarian (no fish, chicken or meat) for 4 years and it was a struggle because I'm not a huge fan of veggies.  When I went back to eating meat I gained about 10 pounds even though I eat less!  It's so much healthier not to eat meat.

  16. Well, if you are a vegetarian then that is totally normal. If you aren't and you just fell sorry for animals dying then that is pretty normal too. But different people have different feelings. Totally normal mate.  

  17. I have no idea.

    The smell of raw meat turns me one.  

  18. You don't say why you haven't been meat for years. Is it because you're like me and hate it because you're a vegetarian or do you not like the taste of it?  

  19. I am vegetarian, and I feel like you. It's good, I don't like to eat, to see and to smell dead animals. And, you are not sick.

  20. no uh thats not normal

  21. i dont know

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