
Is it normal to be under 5 feet at the age of 16?

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i just wanted to know if its normal to be as short as i am at the age of 16, i'm almost 17 and i'm still not 5 feet yet.




  1. I am 25 and 4'10. Everyone due to genetics and other factors all grow at different rates and ends and stops growing at different ages. For me, I was always 4'10 since the 7th grade so I stopped growing then. I know ... I wanted and was hoping to grow again more and be taller someday but there are a lot of perks still to being short other than the fact I cannot get on some rides because I am still to short at the theme parks.... otherwise I am sure you are beautiful without all the height.

  2. i'm a 5 foot nothing and i will be 17 on the 23rd

  3. I'm 5'2", and have been, since I was 14... My best friend (in high school) was under 5'0", and still is... That's just how she's built. :)

  4. How tall are your parents?  If they are both shorter, I would not say your height is abnormal at all.

    I am 29 y/o and 4'9", if that makes you feel any better!

  5. NO

  6. Yup, it's normal. It depends on your genetic makeup how tall you'll be. At this point, I'd say you're done growing. Don't fret though. Being short isn't the end of the world. I'm 22 and only 5' 1/4".

  7. My mom is 4'11". I'm just at 5 foot at 19. Don't worry about it

  8. I was told by my doctor women grow until they are 24.  I was 5'2" for a long time when i just recently went to the doctor i found out i grew an inch.  I am now 27.  But no its not you still have time to grow

  9. it is very normal. you are a girl correct?

    i know plenty of women who are 5 feet and shorter.

    Besides, you arent anywhere near done growing. You could still get taller. Women dont stop growing until around 21 yrs old

  10. I'm 37 and I'm 5 ft and 3/4 of an inch.  Some of us are just meant to be "vertically challenged."  However, if you think you are not growing properly, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it - I'm sure you could get some reassurance or ideas!

  11. I'm going to be 16 in 7 days & I just hit 5 feet about a week ago.

    My best friend is 16 and she's only 4'10.

    However she has hypothyroidism, which is a disease that causes you to be oddly short.

    So, you might want to look into that.

    But, if people in your family aren't tall, it's very likely it's just part of your genetic makeup.

  12. My friends sister is 4'9 + she's 22 plus i know alot of people around that height + your age or older so its deffinitly normal!


  13. Normal is relative, literally.  Look at your relatives!

    Under 5 feet at 16 is not average, so be happy that you're not just "average"!

    Keep smiling!   :-D

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