
Is it normal to become depressed if the person you lived for is no longer in your life??

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i lost my sweetheart to someone else and since then ive become unmotivated, things i found intersting i dont anymore, like shopping cuz i figure whats the point? I mean this person was my life. the reason i did what i




  1. It is very normal, you must have really loved him/her. I am sorry you lost him/her but you have to pull yourself together. It is clear he has moved on and doesnt care about you anymore. It is better you start moving on as well.. It will pass!

  2. Of course it is. But guess what? They were not your life. You have your own life.

    Now go hook yourself another fish.  ;)

  3. I'd hope so, because that's what I'm going through, in a different way. So yes, since we both are, it's normal (because it's not just you).

  4. Carey, It hurts everybody and most people will make that experience at least once in their lifetime and yes it can make you depressed and it feels as if the world comes to an end.. but you know, time is a great healer.. This person if he left you for somebody else did not love you the way you loved other woman or girl can steal a guy away from his GF if he is committed to that relationship.. he obviously is not or was not ready to take it so seriously to make a full commitment.. and hearts do not really break .. they bruise... but they heal again if you give it time.. you need to get amongst friends and find distraction now.. go out of the house.. not shopping. but do something with your friends.. or join a hobby club or a sports club to meet new people and to get out of this depressive state..  you took a tumble and you got hurt..  but you are strong enough to stand up and walk again... you have to want to and one day.. the right guy will come along and he will want the same thing from a relationship as you want.. this ex of yours wasn't really meant for you.. the person meant for you is still somewhere out there and you need to get moving again and start living again.. and one day you will find each other. . x*x

  5. It's normal - however, if it lasts for a sustained amount of time (more than 2 weeks), than it may become a problem.

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