
Is it normal to cry this much?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and me and my bf of 2 years, we pretty much were married, are broken up. We have been broken up for a few months but we still talk to each other like were going out because we love each other too much. He's doesn't understand when i cry when he does things that makes me upset. And now he is moving 3 hours away from me. I can't get over it, I cry all the time and it even gives me acne. I don't even believe it's over. And I know when he moves that we won't stop talking, but we won't be together and that scares the **** out of me.

So today I bawled when I woke up. Then when I was driving home from work I started crying, and now I pretty much just have been crying in waves since. I'm so sad...I don't even want to do anything. Is this normal? What should I do? I feel helpless.




  1. Does he feel the same way?

    Man that's love... don't give it up.

    Unless he doesn't feel that way...

  2. Someone before me said don't give up.

    That is about the worse advice anyone can give you.

    What you are saying sounds very obsessive.

    It is not healthy for you to feel this attached to one person.

    The fact that you said you two were piratically married when the fact is that you weren't is saying you are very obsessed.

    You aren't the first person to lose someone special.  Everyone eventually goes through that and manages to get over it.

    Instead of wasting your life on trying to get someone that doesn't belong to you and his future is going to be without you, you need to focus on letting him go.

    You can't keep him around, calling him, emailing him, and expect to move forward in life.  Trust me, you will regret it.  

    If you really want to help yourself, stop talking to him, put all his things (and things that you two own) in a box and store them, and all his contact information - delete it....and don't look back.

    If you don't care to help yourself and are just looking for someone to support your addiction, then keep talking to him.  When he moves, find where he lives and his phone number.  Keep talking to him, and when he finds his new girlfriend, be the one who listens to him talk all about her.  Go on suffering, because you will secretly enjoy his attention he gives you.

    Then when he decides that you are no longer a part of his life, because he's moved and he's changing to suit his new enviornment...he will leave you.  Then you can tell yourself that you are not an idiot for spending so much time on a guy who just threw you away.

    The choice is yours.

  3. I've been crying for other reasons. More serious. :(

    Sometimes I think our situation can seem so bad and so serious in our minds. But then we think about it, and realize that some people are dealing with far worse things.

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