
Is it normal to drool when you sleep?

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My husband drools very badly at night. Sometimes he soaks his pillow. I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem.




  1. Yeah it can be normal.  I drool very badly when I sleep at night. LOL

  2. I do to and I'm even grossed out by it :)  Atleast you know his spit glands are working :)  

  3. Hm, I've drooled once or twice before.  The body relaxes when you go to sleep, so logically, the mouth does too.  The saliva doesn't stop being produced, though... those glands are always going.

    Perhaps find some way to keep him sleeping on his back, so that won't be a problem?  

  4. ugh yes! its annoying me normally when i go to bed late, i do it more.

  5. actually, a dry mouth at night is more of a problem, medically speaking (i'm a doctor for pretends) but, yeah, i drool a bit and it grosses me out. luckily my gf likes 27 pillows on the bed, so i always have a fresh one to switch to

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