
Is it normal to experience hot flashes during pregnancy?

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Early yesterday morning I woke up feeling very hot and clammy but also had a bit of the chills, it was very uncomfortable.I'm not sure it was a hot flash.If this were to happen in public I don't know what i'd do.I'm only eleven weeks and six days along, could this be normal? What are the side affects of a hot flash? I greatly appreciate your answers. Thanks.




  1. i get them too i also had them with my first..


  2. I sweat like a pig now that I'm pregnant, and have since about 8 weeks. There are no side effects that will cause any health problems for you or your child, sweating is the body's way of regulating and maintaining your body temperature.

    You'll be okay and so will your baby,


  3. I am 27 weeks and I have had them since my first trimester. They seem to only get worse the farther you get. I don't really worry about getting them in public, I just worry about getting through them, lol. I am so looking forward to cooler weather.

  4. It is very common but i only have them when i am sleeping.  Hot flashes can be a little different from person to person, with me i just get really really hot out of no where.  Sometimes it may end with the chills and other times i just have to sit in front of a fan.  I don't think that people can really tell if it was to happen in public but if they do i wouldn't be too concerned, its not that bad. You will not care after a while with all of the aches and feelings you will have further along.

  5. yes. it's quite normal especially during the 1st trimester [1st 3 months of pregnancy]. however, be sure to have your regular pre-natal check-ups and take your blood pressure regularly. If you have hot flushes and you BP goes up, better tell your ob-gyne regarding this matter.

  6. yes its normal and it wont hurt your baby...

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