
Is it normal to fear growing up/aging?

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I turned 20 in May. I have basically my whole life ahead of me and what career I want to choose. However, there's one thing...I don't want to grow up. Is something wrong with me? Is it normal to want to stay young forever and not have to deal with all of the obligations and responsibilities that come with adulthood (too many to list, I know)? Do you ever wish you could go back to a period in your life and just live it forever and ever? That's how I feel right now. Maybe I'm getting too nostalgic about some things.




  1. Normal!!! I suffer from this fear also as do most of my friends.  We are all 27-30.  I never felt like that at your age though but it's still normal.  When I was your age I think I was too busy to even think about it.  Now that life is a boring routine most of the time I have plenty of time to dwell on the fact that I'm getting older just like every one else.  If I got to choose an age to go back and stay at forever I would choose to be 24 forever so see you are not even there yet. Just make your life as fulfilling as possible and live so you won't have any regrets and you will be fine.  Don't lose touch with those people in your life right now.  Make new friends but keep the old.... good words to live by.  Also don't let anyone (besides God) direct your path in life.  Do what makes YOU happy!

  2. Very normal...

    I'll be 26 next month, next thing you know, I'll be 30, then 35, ...

    In all all, I really don't think anyone wants to die...

    Its an extreamly hard fact to look at, and its Inevitable unfortanatly...

    Do you know what I think what makes time go by smoother, someone, or people to share life with, thats the real trick...

  3. Yes. It's entirely normal.

    Read the Portrait of Dorian Gray.

  4. Yeah, it's normal. Some people might say it's not because they simply want to be adult, and you know how that goes...they do things that they think adults do and...well, then there's those people that feel old when they are very young! I think that's normal, but it's also a little bit negative because you don't get to actually enjoy your youth because you spend so much time worrying you're out of your youth. :) It's a paradox, I think, lol. But, yeah...I mean, I have people like that all around me, and they range from all ages. My boyfriend is barely turning 18 and he hates people reminding him how he is going to be because he's so afraid of being "old" and I keep telling him that he's a baby! Hahaha...I think you're at the peak of your life in your early 30's and that's still young!! But...I am afraid of being old. That is why I think we should enjoy it :) I'm so afraid of turning old that I want to assume it might happen from one day to the next so I enjoy today.

  5. Welcome to the peter pan syndrom. I got it too....

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