
Is it normal to feel cramps at beginning of pregnancy?

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I just found out I was pregnant yesterday. I'm about 5 weeks along. Is it normal to have cramps that kind of feel like menstrual cramps? If so, what causes this?

It's not severe and I'm not bleeding or anything, it's just kind of uncomfortable. My back aches too. Thanks in advance!




  1. Yes, its normal. However, no matter how many times people told me that I had still convinced myself that it couldn't be normal and went to the ER at about 11 one night and was there for about 3 hours where they examined me and tested my urine only to tell me it was normal. Sometimes its still nice to ask a doctor just to reassure yourself.

  2. yes it is normal i still get the odd one now I'm 9+5 weeks, its to do with the embryo implanting and your uterus and ligaments stretching, as you say as long as they are not bad cramps and no bleeding everything fine, congratulations!!!!!  

  3. Yes you will cramp here and there. You may even have light spotting sometime.  

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