
Is it normal to feel exhausted all the time with a baby of 14 months?

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I feel very low today. I am always very very tired, and exhausted. Today I just couldn't take it anymore. She wants to play all the time and it's like having a low day one day is a crime. I so needed the sleep and rest today but she was so active.

I have many things on my mind. My husband is so verbally, emotionally and mentally as well as financially abusive. He doesn't give me any money, he blames me constantly and finds fault with me. He tells me that I look ugly all the time while other people find me very attractive. He humiliates me and uses sarcastic bullying voice whenever he talks to me. He burps in front of my face as many as 4 times a day even though he knows I hate it. Also he uses s*x as a weapon and either withhold it when I want, or forces me to sleep with him when I don't want it.

How can I leave him when there is no confidence or money left for me? I got a PhD scholarship which starts in January, so I want to wait until then.

Any advice?




  1. Nobody should have to deal with that kind of behavior i know i was kind of in the same situation until i left him and then once he realized how muchi actually do and that he was ruining my life and just making me unhappy he has changed drastically.

    I do think that you would get better responses from the marriage and divorce section thought just to help you out!

    Good luck sweetie i know how hard it is!

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