
Is it normal to feel horrible when your nine weeks pregnant?

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i am 13 year's old and i finally told my mom that i am pregnant i am 9 weeks and i feel horrible i throw up contently I'm always eating and i get real bad headaches and my back hurts a lot and i am so tired I've hardly slept all this week HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. yes and it's early days yet. Plus it may be harder on you because you are still a child yourself.

  2. I hope you have a lot of family support, because you are going to need it. You probably won't feel better until the second trimester around 13 weeks, Good Luck!

  3. You are 13 weeks pregnant. you haven't even fully developed into an adult yet which would explain why you are feeling so ill. go see your doctor and get some advice.

  4. Ok. First of all your 13 and your pregnant, wow. Secondly ya its all normal probably because your only 13. I hope you feel better.

  5. Welcome to pregnancy!  Morning Sickness is a nightmare and usually lasts the entire first trimester if not longer.

  6. All that is very normal =-). It does get better though. I started feeling better around 3.5-4 months along. Its just all part of the natural process. Your body now has this new pregnancy hormone in it causing all these wonderful (NOT) symptoms. Your body gets used it gradually. I would get the book "what to expect when expecting". It is a wonderful book and tells you exactly whats happening week by week. Good luck Hon!!

  7. Yes and the bad part is,  it only gets worse from here!!!!  All you can do is deal with it.  It's a tough job to go through pregnancy!!

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