
Is it normal to feel like this at this age?

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I just finished middle school, and I feel like a loser. While everyone is going out with friends and hanging out, going to parties, I just stay at home. I feel like I have no friends because I really don't. No best friends anyways... I'm going into ninth grade now, and I feel so alone and like such a loser. Sometimes my parents don't let me go out when "friends" ask me to go out with them, and then they don't ask anymore.. So I feel like they're blowing my chances at a private life... I feel so alone, when I see people who are having the time of their lives.. it just really sucks being me.

Here's some pictures of me... does it have to do with the fact that I'm ugly?





  1. OK, now do you really think you're ugly? Seriously, you beat out a lot of girls in my grade (pretty nice ones too) and I'm going to be a sophomore...have faith. Explain to your parents that you want to go out and meet some new people, and that you're really bored anyways...And besides, once you're in high school you can do all sorts of new stuff. Have fun ;)

  2. Wow you are so pretty! and so young!! I would kill to be in 9th grade again just to do some do-overs. Basically, yes I felt the same way. But you know what, high school generally sucks for everyone that isnt a popular preppy or a hot jock. and by the time you are a senior, you will see that each of those popular girls has gone around the block ten times with each of the guys. Most of the girls are not even real friends anyway. I was friends with one and all they did was talk bad about each other. I got through high school with a group of 4 really close friends. i never partied either and none of my friends did either. we would go out to the movies, to eat, the mall, bowling. you have time to make great lasting friendships later on. im 22 and in college and all my friends are married with kids. im really screwed. i miss those friends. and again, youre gorgeous.  

  3. i have no idea if its normal or not, but i feel the exact same way as you. and no you are NOT ugly, your gorgeous, i wish i could look like that (: wow that question sounds like me i bet i could have written that best friend got sent halfway across the country cuz of her a**hole parents, and the only BEST friend i have now that understands me is my boyfriend but other than that i just have the friends that talk c**p about you all the sucks....but im not sure what to say to help you but i know thats exactly how i feel =[

  4. You are not ugly dear,

    but it is because your parents won't let you have a social life.

    Your friends have given up inviting you out because they know your parents won't allow it, so you really need to talk to them.

    This can have a negative affect on your social life, and I believe that all teenagers learn more by going out with friends and new people, than staying at home and watching TV.

    I have a 20yr old friend who was never allowed to go out with her friends, and now she is really, really struggling to relax whenever she is away from her parents, and relies on her parents everytime something bad happens.

    Talk to the most understanding from your parents, tell them that they have to trust you to go out and behave. Tell them everything you have just written here.

    If they allow you to go out after you've spoken, then try arranging a night out with a few friends at school.

    You have nothing to lose so don't be shy. Invite them out bowling at an arcade or shopping at the mall.

  5. You are far from ugly in my opinion and i have a very developed visual sense.You are very attractive.Besides in my free time i take great pictures.

    Most teens have self esteem issues[it is normal] or are depressed due to their poor diet that is omega 3 deficient.

    Your self esteem cannot grow without the help from other people so you need to socialize or at least speak to your peers.

    You need to have a word with your parents.You need to tell them they need to let you go out when you want to out so you can build your self esteem.You need honest compliments and you need to win a battle or two to raise your self esteem to a level where you can feel good about yourself and you cannot do this if you do not interact with people your age.

    If they want they can call you on your cell phone when you are out every few hours to make sure you are ok and you can tell them where you are going.

  6. It is 'normal' to feel like that at your age.

    That doesn't mean it isn't real or that you should 'just get over it' though. Try to keep in mind that now is only now, and that there are a lot of things to come.  For example think about the kids that you were afraid of (if any) when you were 4 years old, those problems seem small now don't they. As will the ones you are having now, in time.

    Do remember that life is malleable, you make of it what you make of it, it is yours to make it a great one, or a sucky one. Now for a bit more practical advice: friends are easily made while doing things you like yourself (just going out to 'get friends' usually fails), so get out there dancing/reading/painting/yoga/whatever that you like, and you will meet people that are at least a bit like you.

    Also if your parents prohibited a lot, try to make deals with them that allow you to do at least some of the things you want. Remember, they love you and only want the best (most of times, anyway) for you. It is hard letting go of children, especially if you are the first to reach puberty or are their only child.

    Hope this generic advice will give you some perspective, myself i'm a couple of years out of puberty now and can laugh at the things that troubled me then :)

    Oh, and 'ugly' is such a narrow description, try to care less what others think (it's YOUR life, anyone's loss not to be in it). Personally i like your pictures, they have a cheerful girl in them :)

    good luck!

  7. hon, you are not ugly at all.  it sounds like you do have a low self esteem though.  why not ask some people to do stuff with you instead of waiting to be invited.  also, talk to your parents and tell them how you are feeling because you need more of a social life.  good luck

  8. I think that you are pretty.

    And maybe you should ask your parents to stop making decisions for you.

    Also maybe you can ask some of these "friends"  if they want to go out instead.

    or if you are not allowed to go out much then ask them to come around.

  9. Sweetie you are beautiful, never let yourself think otherwise. I know it sounds strange but often we are our own worst enemies. You seem to be showing signs of depression mixed with low self esteem. Talk to your parents, and if they aren't willing, or able to help you, speak with your school guidance counselor, or doctor. You are not alone, just going through a tuff time. Keep your chin up.

  10. It´s normal to feel like that at times. You´re only in 9th grade now and every single year of your life ahead of you is an adventure waiting to happen. The girl in those photos is gorgeous, if that´s you then you have nothing to worry about.One thing I learned, all the people who I admired in middle and high school, the popular ones partying all the time with boyfriends and smoking, well those girls were total has-beens by their early 20s, washed up and stuck in a small town existence whereas less popular people ended up travelling the world or getting really exciting glamorous jobs (and some even improved in looks once they reached their 20 s). Take my advice, don´t stress and for sure sometime soon your life will take a turn for the better

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