
Is it normal to feel really sleepy and tired 4 or 5 days before your period comes on? ?

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Is it normal to feel really sleepy and tired 4 or 5 days before your period comes on? Since monday afternoon i've been constantly sleepy, i know it's probably because my period is about to come on but does this ever happen to anyone else.




  1. The same thing was happening to me and it was because my iron was low.

    My Doc did a test and had me start taking iron pills and its REALLY Helped  

  2. Yes.  Another sign for me is a sugar rush and salty/crunchy snacks cravings

  3. its called PMS - pre menstural syndrome that can affect different women in different ways. Your body has probably used up all its energy to get the egg to the womb and to start the lining growing - so i can imagine its very tiring for your body!

    just get plenty of rest and wait for your period to come - it'll all be over soon - well until next month!

  4. Yes. I get the same.

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