
Is it normal to feel that sometimes I need a vacation away from my husband?

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Is it normal to feel that sometimes I need a vacation away from my husband?




  1. Yes.  You should talk to your husband before you make reservations for a trip without him.  

    Of course it works both ways...  He'll want to go on a trip with his guy friends once in a while too.  hahaha

  2. Oh god yes VERY normal!!I sometimes want a vacation away from everybody!

  3. Depends how long is the vacation you are talking about.

  4. Heck yeah!  I need one from my wife once in a while.  Try living on a boat together.  Sometimes I just want to leave her at the dock.

    Of course sometimes she probably wants to push me overboard while on a nice beam reach and just wave back at me while she trims the sails.

  5. Honey. Is that you? Why didn't you just tell me how you feel?We can talk about this when/if i get home.

  6. Yes, and he feels the same way.  There is no way two people can truly spend 100% of their time together and still make it.  Successful marriages take breaks.

  7. YES! And probably a good thing if you can pull it off! Absence makes the heart grow fonder!

  8. Of course, everyone needs time on their own now and then, that doesn't mean you love him less, or you don't want to be around him. Give yourself time and that way when you are together you will enjoy him more.

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