
Is it normal to feel this way after setbacks with guys?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so since I started college which was last year I've met a few guys every semester. One was the aggresive type and everyone said he liked me by his actions (calling me everyday just to say hi, texting me, etc.) but he didn't and was still hung up on his ex. Another guy came into the picture and he showed the signs of liking me as well, but again, no. He asked someone else out in front of me.

Now I like another guy who's a sort of friend. People are saying that he's interested in me (remembers things I say, stares at me, tells me hi and says my name, etc.) But I'm not so sure...I'm scared of being led on again so I don't want to say anything. I do flirt back.

So I'm a little sad about this and I know I shouldn't be. But is this normal after so many setbacks? And what do I do about my fear?




  1. I think some time you just have to take the chance on love. Some time you can be so hurt that you are in defensive mode when you meet new people, You just figure they are all the same - and start to doubt them, as well as yourself. I think you should give the guy a chance. and know it's not all over - There will be a good guy somewhere, and he may not be it, but still know there's always hope. I think good people meet  bad people, and then it changes the good people into bad people - when going on to their next relationshp, until everybody has 'game' and nobody are willing to give and say hey, I've messed up.I want to be in a serious relationship now. So it just take you to take a chance, walk the tight rope - and live a balance life, don't let him consume your thoughts, make sure you keep yourself busy, so when and IF you guys break up, You will still be busy, enough to go forth with your life- and pray and ask god if he's the right guy for you!! =)

  2. Yes I would totally feel the same as you. If I were you I would just go along with it and wait until someone actually did like me. But maybe you should ask a guy out, someone you like. This third guy if you liked him.

    At least you know your a nice person. If all these guys wanted to be friends with you and paid you all this attention without wanting s*x thats pretty special.

    The fact that they can just be friends with you might mean though your seen as more of one of the guys. Maybe you should go something to show that your a girl.

  3. one tip of advice you don't need a guy in your life!!! specially at College, ur their to study, make the most of the time u got their, u got your whole life to chase guys!!

    when a guy starts talking to you u tell him UR not Interested!! they might not wanna get high in life, if u do then Leave Guys alone, coz they will only cause u heart break, and mk u feel ****.

  4. its normal normal to feel the way you feel,setbacks are not so easy to take in but the trick is so simple and this is what to do............"

    i see you take your relationhips so serious and its always difficult to tell how far a relationship will last or how strong it is /

    from today involve little of your feelings in these college relationship don't lose your whole self in a relationships and that way you reserve extra strength incase a setback happens or dissappoint takes course so look at them as fun and casual things you involve and move out with some one for fun not for long mutual relationship cause you even still young to stress your self with funny break ups, dissappointments. have fun from today and just enjoy your self unless you have some one that proves to be so serious.

  5. Oh goodness, that is so normal that it might be un-normal.

    Lol, I can only sympathise with you in this situation as its happened many times to me.

    I felt like there was no point trying, that it will just end badly and that I should have never even thought about the *possibility* that something could happen.

    Honey, we're beating ourselves up! Aren't we? Yeah, we are.

    I broke myself out of that day dream and made myself realise that it happens to everyone.  There is not one person in this world who will live till they are 100 without getting rejected.  Its a fact of life!

    Just because 2 guys have shot you down, doesn't mean its going to happen a 3rd time.  I mean it could, but YOU should take your chances and just hope for the best.

    Good luck and all that cool stuff.

  6. Dont fall into that trap where you tell yourself 'no guy likes me'. What you need to do is occupy yourself with something else than thinking abt ur lovelife. A sad person isnt going to attract a guy. You shouldnt be afraid, because it's never too late to meet someone. On the plus side, it's not like you're socially handicapped. You just haven't met the right one.

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