
Is it normal to get A LOT of greys so quickly?

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I keep pulling out tons of white hair. I'm only 23 and my hair is naturally brown. I'm going through a stressful time now




  1. I know a girl that is 17 and she has a full head of white hair.

    Ever since I've stopped associating it with age. It can be normal, but stop pulling them out, they'll only grow back. Cut them really short or dye your hair instead.

  2. You have given yourself the answer! Stress can make your hair turn white, even at your age. But it can be from one generation to another as well, or skip a generation! Check it out with your family...

  3. its genetic maybe your parents parents had whie hair early

  4. sweetie if this is bothering so much just dye your hair there is to many colors out there. you're causing yourself to get even more gray hair and that's not good. i will tell you i'm 54 and never had a gray hair and my sister is 51 and she has been fulling gray since she was 20 but we don't have the same fathers. and i guess i should tell you her father has been gray since his early 20's. now my mom is 71 and has never had a gray hair. but in your case i think you are just stressing to much. you know you could have worst thinks then just gray hair to worry about.

    good luck

    just dye  

  5. Stress can definitely cause hair to become grey...however do not pull them out as some people believe this only leads to more grey hair (not sure how true this is though)

  6. heya. im 15. but my mom preaches to me about how she went grey in her late mid 30s because her brother died and it was way stessfull. so yeah the stress can do it.

  7. People's hair turns grey as young as seventeen or as old as sixty. Stress has some to do with it, but it's also a lot to do with genetics. Also, some people grey slowly others fast. It really just depends on your genetics and some with stress.

    What I'm saying is that it's completely normal. Maybe not too exciting, but many people who grey young either hate it and dye it forever, or like I'd do-- embrace it and just deal with it.  

  8. The stress can be a major contributor to the grey and white hair. Your hair reflects your health such as what you eat...etc. Also, the grey and white hairs can be a genetically inherited. Ask your parents if either of them got grey or white hair in their early 20s.  

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