
Is it normal to get an erection during kissing?

by  |  earlier

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Without any malicious intentions but is it normal?




  1. Very normal.  

  2. Yeah... a cool hard erection...



  3. yes it is...

    he tells me so...

    thats why one thing leads to another...

  4. Yes, it's very normal for a guy to respond to a situation like this with an erection.  For most guys it takes a lot less to make them pitch a tent.  You're completely normal - no worries.

  5. haha well I think that subconcsiously you do have malicious intentions and thats what causes it, doesn't that make sense? and yes thats normal.

  6. Yup, it's normal.

  7. do something with that erection...then it's normal

  8. Yes. Everyone get's one while kissing  : )

  9. Im a girl and i get whet after making out with my bf, and he always gets an errect.

  10. Depends on what's being kissed...

  11. Of course.  You can get one by just thinking about it.

  12. Yes, it's normal for something as little as a kiss can send your body into an aroused state. A kiss is something that can arouse either a girl or boy, so don't worry. The girl would take it as a compliment if you did, or at least I'd think she would. Hope this helps.

  13. Yes of course.

  14. yep...normal

  15. oooooo yehhhh bow chicka bow wow

  16. yeah its completely normal. most girls like it

  17. Yep its okay cause you a man you have to have an erection unless ur g*y lol.

  18. yes. kissing is sexual stimulation allowing the blood to flow from your heart, to your head.

  19. Yes, kiss is very arousing, and its normal to have an erection...

  20. Yep i get one all the time while i kiss my boyfriends. :D hahahaha but yes it is

  21. Yep, get used to it.  It has a mind of its own!

  22. my ex had 1, then we ended up making out... for a long...long time.

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