
Is it normal to get suspended for asking a question on global warming?

by  |  earlier

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If it's questioning the possible economic schemes/motives behind it? My account was suddenly suspended and I notice that my global warming question has disappeared.




  1. That's typical for this YA section. Most alarmist/proponents are so overly adamant they can't stand any type of refute. It's not really the best place to have your question answered, unless you like one sided views, and/or suspension.

    ed: u might as well, expect the same for this one. It's easy enough to do the same to them. A deceptive lot to say the least.

  2. It happens to people on both sides of this issue.  

    Been there, done that.  And I've never had an appeal win, even in really silly cases.

  3. You were probably flagged by environmentalist extremists on the site.  See, they know that having any sort of debate can only make them look bad (there is no evidence to support man made global warming); it's much easier for them to just try and take away your freedom of speech.

    Just a guess...

  4. your not the only one !! i have had many many of my questions deleted. i think i challenged someones intelligence and they didn't like it

  5. the people who operate yahoo are liberal socialists (see where yahoo gave the communist totalitarian government of china information to bust a Chinese dissenter). They know global warming= BS(that are they have had a thorough brainwashing).

                Control the flow of information, control the people. They don't want people to get it into there heads that global warming is a fraud.

  6. Yeah, it happens to just about everyone on this site, regardless of where we stand on the issue most of the question and answers here don't warrant it.

  7. I don't think you should have gotten suspended. Maybe you got suspended for chatting. You should have appealed it.

  8. I hope you appealled.  There is no reasoning behind those violations, all the folks who have been here awhile just ignores them for the most part.  I think somebody just gets mad over some personal thing and then blows out over a question.

  9. On this site? that's odd.

    I will wager that this Global Warming scare is a push in all forms of government for a redistribution of wealth on a Global scale.

  10. Sad to say, probably some close minded person flagged you.  Though judging by your question, I probably wouldn't agree with your stance, you still should be able to make it,  but close minded people exist on both sides of the fence...

    Didn't they give you any sort of warning or anything though? it seems sort of odd that if you'd done something wrong that they wouldn't tell you about it...maybe someone tried to get into your account...

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