
Is it normal to get wisdom teeth on the top row?

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I get them come up and down on the bottom jaw but just felt what feels like a tooth coming through at the back of my top set of teeth. Is this normal? I'm worried they might push my otherwise straight teeth into being crooked as their isn't much space up there!




  1. Yes it's normal to get wisdom teeth on the top and bottom jaw. I would definately go to the dentist if there is no room, as this will cause crowding and push  your straight teeth together to become crooked. I once had a perfect smile until my top wisdom teeth came in, now I have to use invisalign. I got my wisdom teeth cut out by an oral surgeon, got invisalign, and now it's all good.

  2. Yes it is normal for you to get them on the top and bottom of your mouth, I would go see your dentist and see what they say. If they are growing in at an angle that will push your other teeth you will have to get them out but if they're are going straight down and won't affect your other teeth there's a possibility that you won't have to, but your dentist will have to decide that. I had mine out before I even got my braces off because mine were growing at an angle that would have made my teeth not straight anymore. Hope this helps! Good luck!

  3. Most folks have to get them pulled because they are excruciatingly painful. There's just not enough room in our heads for more teeth. Go to the dentist and ask what he/she thinks though.

  4. I had my upper wisdom teeth for years. All they did was start to decay and eventually had them removed. Get them out if your dentist recommends it .

  5. yes it is quite normal,they dont usually grow to the size of normal teeth & as the 1st person said they often start to decay quite early on.

  6. yes we all get them

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