
Is it normal to get wrinkles on a p***s after masturbation?

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As I seem to get older (I am in my early 20's) there seem to be more wrinkles that appear right after masturbation.




  1. it is normal..

  2. Use sandpaper to m********e.   It acts as a natural exfoliator.

  3. Yes.    It's normal because the p***s is an organ that expands during erection, and those wrinkles are necessary for expansion and are more obvious when an erection first subsides.    Circumcision almost always removes too much skin--the skin on the p***s is supposed to move and be mobile.    

    Relax, there's nothing wrong with you.

  4. If it's your p***s, it is!

    If it bothers you, see a plastic surgeon for a penile shrinkerotomy.

  5. It looks that way because you have been pulling on skin that has elasticity to it and when you are done it takes a little while for it to go back to its original condition.

  6. Have you ever taken the wrapper off a straw to make a "snake grow" when you add water to it? Same thing here. Just the other way around- sort of. Just like you get smile lines on your face, you will get plenty of wrinkles on your p***s too. Not to worry though, it will still continue to look fine when erect for years to come (pun not intended?)

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