
Is it normal to go in to a depression around the time of your birthday?

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I'll be 37 next week, and I have a feeling of no self worth and I'm just overall depressed.

This is NOT normal for me. I am usually a very up spirited and happy-go-lucky person. I've been feeling this way for about a week.

I should probably add that I don't drink, I don't smoke, I have an excellent home life, and I'm happy in and with my job which is secure.

Suggestions, tips, ideas... ?




  1. Yeah, birthdays set me off as well..i'll be 30 soon, and im having a really rough time accepting where i am in life..but, i try my hardest to look forward to the good times, and not dwell on what could have been..i try and keep a simple happy future goal in mind.. Happy birthday!

  2. Perhaps you feel a little bored, maybe a trip or something to spice up your life, even just for a weekend, would be in order?

    Happy birthday by the way, my birthday is next week, too. I hope you feel better.

  3. from the day of my 29th birthday i worried that i was gonna be 30 next,,,, n that my life was gonna have to change i'd have to grow up etc,,,, well i wasted a whole soddin yr lol

    i think sometimes birthdays just make us realise we not getting younger n we dont wanna get old

  4. Is this the first birthday when you have experienced this?

    I think sometimes it is normal to feel depressed around your birthday because it makes you wonder what lies in your future and makes you think about things you still haven't done with your life.

    Hopefully this will resolve itself after your birthday.

  5. Yes. It is very normal to feel depressed around your birthday. One reason is your body is changing. Your hormones are not as balanced. The best medicine for depression is to talk about it and to spend time in he sun and go for a walk for five minutes during the day. All of these things will help you to feel better.

    There maybe also unresolved things that you haven't dealt with in your past, that is making you feel unworthy-you may have blocked this out. You may consider just going to see a professional therapist to talk about your past or your childhood if you feel that it is that serious. If this is something that will pass, then follow the things I stated in the first paragraph and you will be fine.

    If you want to talk to other people who are going through a depression or who have overcome those same feelings you are experiencing, you can go to they have a chatroom to meet and talk to other people who have been through what you are going through. They may be able to give you better tips on how to feel better. Good luck

  6. It's normal for you if that's what's happening.  However,  at your age you might want to check with a doctor to find out if you are having any hormonal changes.  Most women don't go pre-menopausal until 40 - 45, but some start earlier.

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